среда, 19 февраля 2020 г.


Non sono stato perfetto, ma forse avevo solo bisogno di parlare. All I want is someone to be with me.. It got so bad as to the point of suicidal thoughts and tendencies once and on going thoughts of what people would be like dead. Voi vedete una persona addolorata, io vedo il dolore personificato. Quando mentre dormivi mi rigiravo, quando non c'eri piangevo, quando c'eri mi soprendevi a guardare nel vuoto, ma ripetendo va tutto bene. hallucigenia yume nikki

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Yume Nikki fangames: "Hallucigenia"

Times when being able to read Japanese would be really handy episode I also live in the southeast. Si no hay confianza, estamos puro webiando. The only other family member of mine that I am close to is my mothers mother my grandma. I am an only child and my parents divorced when I was four. Voi vedete una persona addolorata, io vedo il dolore personificato.

She is a wonderful lady with a big heart and a passion for Jesus. He had a girlfriend most of the time when I was younger but the would always get in violent fights so I never saw her much. I had no way of cooping with the way I felt except through music.

I actually at one point completely possibly over analyzed the fangame SickMind and I developed my own headcanons on what everything meant.

My mother on the other hand is a very sweet lady but with issues of her own. I feel like things are slowly turning worse as I often think about things haplucigenia normal people would not.

Suicide sickmind sick kill depression psycho. NN nashin95 cherophobicdream sickmind.

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Now I am in college and turn to weed for an escape. Log in Sign up. I feel more alone now that I am on my own more than ever. My father was always an angry drunk and it scared me when I was younger.

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To stay awake till 7 a. Any gameplay series in English, Spanish or French would be perfect!!

hallucigenia yume nikki

I am tired so I am going to bed now to snuggle with my girlfriend. My battle with depression started when I was a teenager. Non avete idea, voi meri sciocchi crogiolati nell'ignoranza, di quanto una persona possa stare male anche solo sforzandosi di vivere, di alzarsi dal letto ogni giorno, di non tagliarsi le vene durante la notte pensando ai propri errori. Quando mentre dormivi mi rigiravo, quando non c'eri piangevo, quando c'eri mi soprendevi a guardare nel vuoto, ma ripetendo va tutto bene.

hallucigenia yume nikki

I feel more isolated in my mind now more than ever before. Hi everyone in the yume nikki fangames fandom I wanted to ask if anyone knows if somebody has the link to a sickmind gameplay video? My mine has hallufigenia fully supported me though and for that i thank her.

hallucigenia yume nikki

Yes, that means you can ask me questions. Before my current girlfriend she is great I will tell you more about her later came into my life I was a reckless kid. Io speravo, tu mi demolivi, io stavo nlkki e tu mi odiavi. Non sono stato perfetto, ma forse avevo solo bisogno di parlare.

Yume Nikki (Dream Diary) - Zerochan Anime Image Board

Well welcome to my blog. I have never had a real father figure in my life. Ma sarai legato ad essa per sempre. I wrote death threats to kids one year, spent half a year stealing things at my high school for an escape and even turned to porn for a jallucigenia to escape.

Want to see more posts hallucignia sickmind? I wanted to ask if anyone knows if somebody has the link to a sickmind gameplay video?

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