суббота, 22 февраля 2020 г.


We need feedback to constantly improve the mood diary. Gain insight into a friend's mental health and support them as needed. On the basis of the records is possibly the antidepressant therapy then can be adjusted. Also, bipolar individuals with rapid cycling and mixed episodes are using the app to document their state of mental health. In addition, you can show the diary at the next visit their doctor or psychologist. stimmungstagebuch depression

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Doctor web application to your psychiatrist.

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Track and manage your pain: Buddy - Bipolar Disorder Partner App. That helps a lot to improve! We need feedback to constantly stimmungstagebucn the mood diary. How was your day today?

This app is intended for documentation. It does not provide treatment advice. With the help of mood diary you have to be documented stimmungstagebucy a position their mood in depression, mania, or a burn-out syndrome daily.

Mood Log provides an extremely flexible logging system making Eine Medikamenteneinnahme ist aus der App nicht abzuleiten. Completely renewed auto recording. Einige Vorteile dieser App: Connect to it by using a pairing code. The science behind UP!

Stimmungstagebuch (Depression) APK |

Become more mindful about your mental balance. Mental Health and Mood Tracker.

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In addition, the app offers the option, the addresses of your doctors to manage your medication list and your medical history and hence always keep with him. Aus diesem Grund erfolgt die Stijmungstagebuch der App stets auf eigenes Risiko. A medication can not be deduced from the app.

Quick and Natural home remedies for common health alignments in your pocket!

You can print or directly send reports using your smartphone. If you find any strange behavior or bugs please use the feedback functionality within UP!

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The data can be easily exported eg by email. By purchasing and installing the app, you agree to these terms. Stim,ungstagebuch your mood in seconds and send detailed reports to your doctor or therapist. Your feedback matters to us: Track your personal warning signs of depression, mania and hypomania effortlessly when needed. Some advantages of this app: Discuss the mood diary in your therapy.

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Die Daten lassen sich einfach z. The Pain tracer is used for simple and precise documentation of your pain.

Problems, questions, suggestions, praise and criticism - tell us: Place and activity tracking needs less power and is much more reliable now. In addition, you can show the diary at the next visit their doctor or psychologist.

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With the help of the calendar and various diagrams, the individual entries can always clearly presented.

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