суббота, 15 февраля 2020 г.


Introduction What is preventive orthodontics? If detected before the tooth distal to them erupts, it is advisable to extract their precursor deciduous tooth. They deflect adjacent teeth and erupt in abnormal positions. Any procedure that eliminates or reduces the severity of malocclusion in the developing dentition. If an appliance is used, it should not be painful or interfere with occlusion; instead, it should merely act as a reminder. preventive and interceptive orthodontics ppt

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You do not have the permission to view this presentation. Any procedure that eliminates or reduces the severity of malocclusion in the developing dentition. A risk of lower incisor retroclination and deepening of the overbite. According to Hinrichsen 1. Awareness to be brought about as interceotive how they are in that position and that they would eventually straighten out on erupting fully. Published on Feb View Download 4.

Treatment for crossbitesQuad helixMicro screws. Child should be initiated to drinking from a glass by one year of age. Digit and Nonnutritive Sucking Behaviors Many children suck their thumbs or fingers for short periods during infancy or early childhood.

preventive and interceptive orthodontics ppt

Interceptive orthodontics, rpeventive edition Documents. Can cause anterior open bite. The holding of teeth which had been moved at orthodontic treatment in ideal esthetic and functional positions.

Maintain entire mesio-distal space created by loss of interceptkve. Two years of Age Bottle-feeding if previously initiated should never be given during the passage to sleep.

preventive and interceptive orthodontics ppt

Monitor eruption and exfoliation time, application of preventive procedures. If the permanent tooth in the opposing arch orrhodontics the prematurely lost tooth has erupted, then an occlusal stop should pptt placed on the planned space maintainer so as to prevent the supra-eruption of the opposing permanent tooth, which in turn would maintain an acceptable curve of Spee.

Can cause anterior open bite. There has been a sudden spurt U1 nursing and rampant caries, involving the deciduous and the mixed dentition generally, which has resulted in a sudden demand for preventive and interceptive orthodontics. Registration Forgot your password? The need for early diagnosis Some considerations of preventive and interceptive orthodontics Documents.

Treatment for crossbitesQuad helixMicro screws 3. The two major reasons for it relate to the physiology of the child maturation and to anatomy growth. However, the eruption could be earlier provided the alveolar bone covering the developing tooth bud has been destroyed by the periapical furcation involvement of the deciduous tooth.


Oral screens and the recently introduced myofunctional appliances such as the pre-orthodontic trainers, train the child to breathe through the nose, thus allowing the proper development of nasal passage, regression of adenoid mass and the development of a shallow, broad palate. They should be identified and extracted before they cause displacement of other teeth.

Diagnosis of inyerceptive problems, analysis, Biomechanics, Planned extraction in Documents. Amount of bone covering the developing succedaneous tooth bud: Mouth breathing-the child can be given adequate medical attention, regarding recurrent upper respiratory tract infection. The developing premolars usually require months to move through 1 mm of covering alveolar bone, as interceptie on a bitewing radiograph.

preventive and interceptive orthodontics ppt

After the patient has trained the tongue and muscles to function properly during swallowing, a mandibular lingual arch with a crib or an acrylic palatal retainer with a fence may be constructed as a reminder to position the tongue properly during swallowing PowerPoint Presentation: Monitor eruption and exfoliation time, application of preventive procedures 4 Extraction of retained deciduous or supernumerary teeth: If detected before the tooth distal to them erupts, it is advisable to extract their precursor deciduous tooth.

Individual tooth space maintainer. Serial extractions s to treat Class I malocclusion complicated by severe labial segment crowding Aim: Abnormal frenal attachments 6.

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